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Student of the Month: Junseong Hwang
Myungjae Lee ㅣ Approval 2024-09-14  |  No.15 ㅣ view : 31
\Junseong Hwang, Electronic and IT Media Engineering

▲ Junseong Hwang, Electronic and IT Media Engineering

Student of the Month is a section of The SeoulTech that introduces students from each college. For this issue, The SeoulTech interviewed Junseong Hwang, College of Information and Communication Engineering student who has won various competitions and runs <stdio.h>, the academic club.


Q1. Could you introduce yourself?

A1. Hello! My name is Junseong Hwang, and I'm currently in my senior year in the Department of Electronic and IT Media Engineering. I'm following an IT Media track, doing a minor in Electrical and Information Engineering, and working as an undergraduate researcher in the Reliable & Efficient Power Electronics Lab (REPEL). On top of that, I founded and ran <stdio.h>, an department academic club that has earned several prizes, including winning the Chancellor's Award.


Q2. You've entered several competitions and won four awards. Could you share some tips for participants?

A2. Time, human resources, and material resources have to be well-managed. When you enter a competition, you need to be clear about your goals. Once you know your direction, you have to recruit the people you need and organize the team to work towards the goals. Also, estimating the required budget and planning how to use the resources effectively is essential.


Q3. Do you recommend any particular competitions for College of Information and Communication Engineering students?

A3. I recommend "HANIUM ICT Mentoring," organized by the Ministry of Science and ICT. This competition is a long-term project that runs from February to November, and students can form a group with students from other universities. There are a lot of benefits when taking part, including mentoring from experts in the field, AI & S/W online classes, and technical support for hardware and cloud services up to the value of 1.3 million won. This competition is an excellent way to get hands-on experience. Also, you can use the research that you did during the competition to enter other competitions.


Q4. Could you give some study tips for College of Information and Communication Engineering students?

A4. For better grades, it could be better to choose a minor. With a minor, you have more options and can take advantage of English classes.

Moving on to study methods, I recommend the Center for Teaching and Learning's U&I Learning Type Test. It helps identify a students' psychology and personality traits in their studying process and suggests effective study methods. The center also provides consulting services. I took the test twice, and it helped me discover the study methods that work best for me.


Q5. There are many different areas that College of Information and Communication Engineering students can go into. Do you have any suggestions on how to find the right career path?

A5. I think you need to decide which aspect of your subject you're most interested in so that you can study it deeply. In my case, I was interested in power electronics, so I found labs related to power electronics. This behavior led me to REPEL and the research I'm doing now. For me, what you want to study is more important than what you want to be. If you constantly focus on studying what interests you, you will get where you want to be.


Q6. Do you have any final words?

A6. I often speak with freshman and sophomore students in my department. During the conversation, I found that they are sometimes hesitant to take part in competitions because they fear not performing well and letting others down. However, as students, it's okay to fail: it's part of the learning process. I hope students embrace challenges during their time at SeoulTech and take every opportunity to learn and develop.



Myungjae Lee

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[01811] 232 Gongneung-ro, Nowon-gu, Seoul, , Korea ㅣ Date of Initial Publication 2021.06.07 ㅣ Publisher : Donghwan Kim ㅣ Chief Editor: Minju Kim