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Problems Persist in the SeoulTech Dormitories
Kyungmin Shin ㅣ Approval 2024-07-15  |  No.13 ㅣ view : 14
▲Dormitory website and Dormitory Enrollment website at SeoulTech

Recently, discontent has erupted among SeoulTech students about the dormitories. In fact, this isn't a one-time occurrence. Every year numerous issues involving SeoulTech's dormitories have been consistently raised. A recent series of errors in the dormitory recruiting system served as the trigger for a sharp increase in dissatisfaction.

[Issues in the Spring 2024 Recruitment System]

Beginning this semester, a new method of dormitory application was introduced. To enhance student convenience, application for the preferred dormitory must now be made before room selection within the eligible dormitory type. Although the purpose behind this change was desirable, the preparation for the new system was inadequate.

First, the explanation about the new method was insufficient. Since students were not familiar with it, a clear and comprehensive explanation would have helped better understanding. Despite this circumstance, the content of the notices was ambiguous, leaving students to ask individually.

Second, all the process schedules faced repeated delay. At first, the announcement of successful applicants in dormitory selection was planned for January 17 at 5 PM. However, due to delay in inputting applicants data, the announcement was put off multiple times. It was finally made on January 18 at 11:30 AM. Because of these processing delays, the room selection schedule was also pushed back without any notice. As a result, students had to wait all day for notices, leading some search for a studio apartment instead of a dormitory.

Third, errors emerged in the announcement process. The Dormitory Office initially provided acceptance notices only to social consideration students and incoming students who passed early decision programs. All registered undergraduates and postgraduate students received a number and were marked as 'additional selectees,' even those with proper qualifications and high GPAs. Some students felt the process was not fair, as they were within passing range of initial selection and only received a number because of system error. After complaints on the lack of consideration, the marking was changed to 'additional accepted students.' Still, other problems remained. Because of continuous errors, students were forced to revert to the "first-select-first- in" rule that was in effect last year. Moreover, during the process of notifying students of available room type based on student classification, the room numbers for social consideration students were exposed. Given that criteria of social consideration students encompass sensitive personal information, there was significant concern among some students.

Although the Dormitory Office informed students that if application cancellation occurs after classes begin, diverse types of students will be mixed in the process of accepting additional selectees. Although assurances for changing rooms would be provided to those worried about privacy, students continued to express anxiety. One reason for this is that most students use the "prior move-in" procedure before lectures begin, so personal information can be revealed. Also, there might be no time for changing rooms after the start of classes.

Lastly, arbitrary decisions by the Dormitory Office left students more disappointed. The office changed the opening time of room selection for registered undergraduates, delaying it by 7 minutes without notice. Furthermore, the types of available rooms were fewer than expected and students struggled with choosing a room because they lacked information about their potential roommate.

[Opinion of Students & the Dormitory Office]

The SeoulTech conducted a dormitory satisfaction survey of both Korean and international students to hear their voices. According to the survey, 40 of 43 students, approximately 93% of the respondents, replied that they experienced or were aware of areas that need to be improved in this dormitory selection process. All of the respondents who reside in the dormitory this semester expressed the belief that reforms are necessary. Of all the many problems mentioned, the most frequent was insufficient communication. Students thought that issues such as lack of clear explanation about recruiting criteria, slow follow- up action to emerging problems, inattentive response to student complaints, and arbitrary decisions made the process difficult for them. Even students who supported the new method criticized the communication capacity of the Dormitory Office. They added comments suggesting a thorough pretest of the new dormitory system to prevent errors in real situations.

The Dormitory Office responded to student concerns in the interview. They said, "The new dormitory application system was expected to better serve students. The test operation during winter break last year seemed successful, and we anticipated no serious issues. However, design errors came up due to the diversity of student types." Also, they apologized once again for lots of confusion and inconvenience experienced by students, promising to work hard for a stable dormitory system by addressing the shortcomings of the new system.

[Other Problems in Administration of the Dormitories]

Besides the recent issues discussed above, there have been a lot of other concerns voiced regarding the administration of SeoulTech's dormitories. The SeoulTech asked students the most urgent problem through a survey.

Among Korean students, the primary concern was identified as communication with dormitory staff. The Dormitory Office's hardly ever accepting feedback, slow handling of the affair, inadequate ways for dealing with problems, and unhelpful responses to inquiries were cited as reasons. The second most significant concern was related to maintenance and cleanliness. One respondent shared an experience of old and dirty facilities. The student mentioned the presence of moldy wallpaper and cockroaches in some rooms. The third major problem was the strict rules of dormitory meals. They think it's inefficient that they

must buy at least one dormitory meal per day and have a meal only during the pre-selected time at the beginning of the semester. Not only this, they can't have any food delivered. International students expressed concerns similar to those of the Korean students in the responses. They raised concerns about the poor condition of facilities, lack of communication, and strict rules. In addition, they felt uncomfortable with the room visit due to privacy problems.

The Dormitory Office acknowledges these inconveniences and requests students' understanding as the office makes changes to provide a stable system and improve administrative responses.


Kyungmin Shin

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[01811] 232 Gongneung-ro, Nowon-gu, Seoul, , Korea ㅣ Date of Initial Publication 2021.06.07 ㅣ Publisher : Donghwan Kim ㅣ Chief Editor: Minju Kim