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An Interactive Live Talk Show with President Donghoon Lee
Minju Kim, Yoojin Park ㅣ Approval 2024-08-26  |  No.4 ㅣ view : 9

President Donghoon Lee interacting with students and parents▲ President Donghoon Lee interacting with students and parents  


On January 5, 2022, an Interactive Live Talk Show with President Donghoon Lee was held on the SeoulTech YouTube channel. The talk show was available in real-time on YouTube and Live Edu, and was held under the title "Meet Donghoon Lee, president of SeoulTech." This live broadcast was an opportunity for everyone interested, especially parents and students, to communicate with our university president. Here are some excerpts for the broadcast.

There have been a lot of changes since you became the president, and | think you must have memorable and rewarding moments after you became the president. What do you remember?

The JoongAng Daily conducts a national university evaluation every year. In evaluating the university's research and educational performance, our university ranked 17th out of 200 universities this year. Also, in national universities, we ranked 2nd out of 38 universities. Like this, I received the best grade in various external evaluations, but the most rewarding thing for me was the establishment of the College of Creativity and Covergence Studies. Three high-tech departments have been established at the College of Creativity and Covergence Studies, which is consistent with national policy and can effectively face the era of the 4th Industrial Revolution.

In addition, our university can take the lead in nurturing highly qualified students. For example, the Semiconductor Engineering Department is deeply involved in research on semiconductors, which is an important field in Korea. Students in the AAI Department are guided in the field of artificial intelligence. And the Future Energy Convergence Department is attempting to lead the way in hydrogen research. In line with that, I am also looking forward to capturing the hydrogen energy sector.

These are some of the most rewarding and memorable moments in the last two years.


When students are in university for four years, how can they get the most help in their lives?

Perhaps it's the question that parents are worried about the most. In fact, four years can seem like both a long and short time. When you look at our students who succeeded at our university, they listened to lectures intently, went to the library, studied, and went home, right? But these days, companies look for students who not only study hard, but also have many different experiences. Maybe companies want students with a challenging spirit, a creative spirit, and a caring spirit. In order for students to take on new challenges, they can choose to go to one of 60 countries as exchange students, join clubs with other students in the school, and learn about society by communicating a lot. Even if we only have 4 years for university, there are many things students can do. Also, even if parents give students pocket money, they can experience part time jobs on their own and experience society directly. In third and fourth year, students can specifically learn about their major by doing an internship for 6 months to a year at a company they want to enter. In particular, when it comes to applying for a company, students usually write a cover letter. And the lessons they learn from their experiences, feelings, and values must be well incorporated in the cover letter so that the interviewer can see, "This student fits our company's ideology!" They can't judge students only by grades.

And we have a somewhat different vacation schedule this year. Other universities begin the semester on March 2, but we start on February 21. In the fall, other universities start on September 2, but we start on September 15. We created ST semesters and Discovery semesters in the summer, so we can provide various activities and educational programs for students such as exchange programs and field training. If students make good use of these activities and programs, I'm sure they will have a meaningful time in university.


Through the Interactive Talk Show with the President, people were able to have a pleasant and sincere conversation about education at SeoulTech, and they were able to explore directions students can develop. Both students and our university are expected to show rapid growth in the future.



Minju Kim

Yoojin Park

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[01811] 232 Gongneung-ro, Nowon-gu, Seoul, , Korea ㅣ Date of Initial Publication 2021.06.07 ㅣ Publisher : Donghwan Kim ㅣ Chief Editor: Minju Kim