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The SeoulTech: A New Voice for our University
Greg Thompson ㅣ Approval 2024-08-26  |  No.1 ㅣ view : 11

Greg Thompson (Professor, Office of International Education)

Greg Thompson (Professor, Office of International Education)

Sharing knowledge and information helps people learn, reflect, and grow. The exchange of ideas is an important part of academic life. Whether we have studied abroad, read articles by diverse scholars, or attended international lectures, many at SeoulTech have participated in the global exchange of ideas. The SeoulTech community has a lot to share with the global community. Our students, faculty, and staff push the boundaries of their fields through their scholarship, research, and work.


The SeoulTech, our English newspaper, gives our university community yet another voice that targets a broad audience. On-campus students, as well as those who study abroad, will be able to keep abreast of what is happening at our university. International students and faculty will be able to stay current with some of the most important dialogues and events happening here. Additionally, a global audience will have a window into our university from the perspective of its community.


This first issue of The SeoulTech is the result of many people's efforts, but our reporters especially deserve a lot of credit for getting this newspaper started. They selected a name for the paper, established processes for their work, designed layouts, and set policies, in addition to choosing and researching their topics, doing interviews, and developing the content of their articles. As we discussed their writing and revisions, the students shared their hopes for the newspaper and the voice it will give to our students. You'll find the articles included in this first issue interesting and informative pieces, chosen especially for our university community.


As an advisor, I am happy that we have this opportunity to share our university's activities and perspectives with a wide audience, and I am looking forward to supporting the reporters of The SeoulTech in their mission to develop a newspaper that will give our university a voice that will reach far beyond our campus. Our reporters have laid a solid foundation upon which they and future reporters will continue to build, and we hope you will look forward to reading each new issue.

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[01811] 232 Gongneung-ro, Nowon-gu, Seoul, , Korea ㅣ Date of Initial Publication 2021.06.07 ㅣ Publisher : Donghwan Kim ㅣ Chief Editor: Minju Kim