I am luck
Not getting hit by a car feels like a stroke of luck, especially with the notorious traffic in this big city. Seeing those headlights in my rearview mirror reminded me of how close I was to a terrible accident. But is luck really limited to moments like these? People often say that luck is invisible and immeasurable, yet it seems to be a crucial element of success. So, what is luck?
Daily life offers countless small glimpses into this mystery. It was luck that I found coins in my bike’s basket when I needed them most. It was luck that I caught the train I thought I’d miss. It was luck that my landlord didn’t notice the broken lid on the dish dryer. These instances, though small, are undeniably lucky. But I believe that luck goes beyond these brief moments of fortune. It’s a universal force. Something far greater.
've encountered my share of failures: university exams, my graduation show, the TOEFL test. I always thought that if only I had a bit more luck, I could achieve what I wanted. Maybe what I was really missing was precisely that elusive luck.
After facing multiple setbacks, I felt like a log adrift in a river, drained of energy yet strangely free. I let go, allowing life to carry me wherever it might. I forgot why I had been working so hard and just focused on surviving day by day. In these moments, the only purpose seemed to lie in satisfying my simplest needs. But then, it struck me: just being alive is a form of luck in itself. Out of billions of stars, only one holds life. Out of billions of people, only one is me. The sheer chance of my existence is an incredible piece of luck.
Luck is life, which provides countless possibilities. Those possibilities are droplets, and those droplets form the river of destiny, carrying us to the places we’re meant to go. Whether we float or sink is often beyond our control. We can choose to fight it or, perhaps, to lay back and embrace the flow, accepting that even failure might become a stepping stone to future success. Most importantly, as long as we are alive, we still have the luck to shape our future.